Monday, September 30, 2019

Remembering an event

Before wrestling was always that little overweight kid who was instantly being made fun of when I was in elementary and middle school, which explains why I'm shy sometimes towards people because I'm afraid I might be judged. Also at home when I was young, I would always get yelled at for everything that did even when I didn't do anything's because was the oldest of my brother and sister. All know is that I didn't like my childhood at all as I was growing up. When became a teenager, I started high school and things changed.Things started to change when started high school, I darted making new friends, and was also ditching a lot and making terrible decisions. Freshman year wasn't that bad because wasn't failing, but at the same time I wasn't getting good Benefactors grades. Sophomore year I started lowering my grades because started hanging out with kids older than me, so would ditch a lot. They weren't in gangs or anything bad, they were just older than me and had cars. I already had the thought in my head that wasn't going to go to college, or that wasn't going to do anything good in my life.Once I started noir year everything changed. I met this kid in my class named Juan, who was into military things and sports that had to do with fighting. In the winter, Juan had told me that he wanted to join wrestling, and that I should join with him, so I did. When the season started I didn't think I was going to stick with it because I didn't know anybody, and would get tired quickly. Weeks passed and I started to learn more moves, and I also began losing weight and gaining muscle. I began eating healthier and started lifting more weights.The coach loud always joke around with us after we had a good practice and serious if he saw that we didn't try at all. The thing that made everybody look up to the coach and respect him was that he would give us motivational speeches before and after our matches, which made me win each time. Senior year came, and got the varsity spot for heavyweight and that made me get really excited. The coach talked to me and told me that if wanted the spot permanently and also to be in the team, I had to stop ditching my classes and start getting my grades up. Ewe the coach was right so told him that I would, and I did. That year was my best season because I went undefeated for 14 matches, and I won four tournaments first place, and my final record was 22-4. By the end of senior year, I had made a lot of friends, and also I was passing my classes, and if I wanted to Benefactors graduate all had to do was make up the classes that I failed my freshman and sophomore year by attending night school. This event changed me by making me try harder in life if I want to achieve my goals.At the end of it all wrestling was en of the biggest events that I want to keep remembering for the rest of my year came, and I got the varsity spot for heavyweight and that made me get really excited. The coach talked to me and told me that if I wante d the spot start getting my grades up. I knew the coach was right so I told him that would, and did. Thayer was my best season because I went undefeated for 14 matches, and won four tournaments first place, and my final record Benefactors graduate all I had to do was make up the classes that failed my one of the biggest events that want to keep remembering for the rest of my life. Remembering an event Before wrestling was always that little overweight kid who was instantly being made fun of when I was in elementary and middle school, which explains why I'm shy sometimes towards people because I'm afraid I might be judged. Also at home when I was young, I would always get yelled at for everything that did even when I didn't do anything's because was the oldest of my brother and sister. All know is that I didn't like my childhood at all as I was growing up. When became a teenager, I started high school and things changed.Things started to change when started high school, I darted making new friends, and was also ditching a lot and making terrible decisions. Freshman year wasn't that bad because wasn't failing, but at the same time I wasn't getting good Benefactors grades. Sophomore year I started lowering my grades because started hanging out with kids older than me, so would ditch a lot. They weren't in gangs or anything bad, they were just older than me and had cars. I already had the thought in my head that wasn't going to go to college, or that wasn't going to do anything good in my life.Once I started noir year everything changed. I met this kid in my class named Juan, who was into military things and sports that had to do with fighting. In the winter, Juan had told me that he wanted to join wrestling, and that I should join with him, so I did. When the season started I didn't think I was going to stick with it because I didn't know anybody, and would get tired quickly. Weeks passed and I started to learn more moves, and I also began losing weight and gaining muscle. I began eating healthier and started lifting more weights.The coach loud always joke around with us after we had a good practice and serious if he saw that we didn't try at all. The thing that made everybody look up to the coach and respect him was that he would give us motivational speeches before and after our matches, which made me win each time. Senior year came, and got the varsity spot for heavyweight and that made me get really excited. The coach talked to me and told me that if wanted the spot permanently and also to be in the team, I had to stop ditching my classes and start getting my grades up. Ewe the coach was right so told him that I would, and I did. That year was my best season because I went undefeated for 14 matches, and I won four tournaments first place, and my final record was 22-4. By the end of senior year, I had made a lot of friends, and also I was passing my classes, and if I wanted to Benefactors graduate all had to do was make up the classes that I failed my freshman and sophomore year by attending night school. This event changed me by making me try harder in life if I want to achieve my goals.At the end of it all wrestling was en of the biggest events that I want to keep remembering for the rest of my year came, and I got the varsity spot for heavyweight and that made me get really excited. The coach talked to me and told me that if I wante d the spot start getting my grades up. I knew the coach was right so I told him that would, and did. Thayer was my best season because I went undefeated for 14 matches, and won four tournaments first place, and my final record Benefactors graduate all I had to do was make up the classes that failed my one of the biggest events that want to keep remembering for the rest of my life.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

PTSD Stigma in military personnel

The present review addresses the perceived stigma associated with admitting mental illness and seeking mental health treatment. Research on the public stigma associated with mental illness is reviewed, indicating that the public generates stereotypes of mental illness, which may lead to discrimination of those individuals with mental illness. The internalization of these public beliefs result in self stigma which leads the individual to experience low self esteem and self efficacy. This process of stigmatization in both public and self, is what causes the mentally ill individual to reject the provided mental health treatment.Under the influence of the military, these mentally ill individuals are more prone to stigma barriers in mental health treatment. Within the military it is understood that there is a high demand of reediness and responsibility, which is threatened by the stereotypes incapability associated with mental illness, resulting in an exposure of â€Å"weakness† fo r the mentally ill individual. Soldiers in efforts to avoid this consequence will deal with there psychological symptoms independently rather then facing the consequences that might entail in seeking professional treatment.The term invisible wound was established in order to change the belief of a physical and tangible injury acceptable but not an emotional injury. Efforts to reduce the mental health stereotype and promote mental health treatment have included testing possible interventions, which can be applied in future military personnel with psychological problems. The interventions are directed towards improving one area of stigma and include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and improvement in leadership quality and unit cohesion. Starting on October 2001, 1.64 million soldiers were deployed to serve either in OEF, Operation enduring Freedom or OIF, Operation Iraq Freedom. Upon their return, close to half of these soldiers reported symptoms of mental health problems. The prevalence of mental problems in the US military was larger then it has ever been.The Military personnel screening positive for PTSD was at a rate of 0.2% in 2002 and in 2008 increased to 21.8%. Additionally, during these years rates of  Alcohol abuse went from 1.1 %- 7.1% as well as the rates of Depression going from 2.3%- 17.4%. Unfortunately, along with the rise of PTSD, Alcohol abuse, and depression the increase rate of military suicide followed Kim et al. (2010). As a result measures were taken in order to reduce mental health barriers and improve the accessibility of mental health care within the military personnel. In 2008, The National Defense Authorized Act was passed which extended the eligibility of receiving VA health care benefits from 2 to 5 years post deployment. Although the potential barrier of accessibility was adjusted the gap military utilization of mental health treatment still remained.Through the studies identifying mental illness and prevalence in the military, resea rchers have found that the rate of positive screening mental illness is inconsistent with the rate in utilization of mental health services. Hoge et al. (2004) conduced a study measuring the mental health problems in 3,201 OIF and OEI military personnel. The study found that of the soldiers and marines who met the criteria for a mental health illness only 23- 40% reported actually receiving professional mental health care treatment. Interestingly, only 38- 45% of those positively screened reported an interest in receiving any form of treatment.If healthcare is delivered, then what leads these suffering military personnel to reject the advised mental health care attention? This article will argue that the perceived stigma in mental illness is a major factor contributing to the lack of utilization of the mental health care provided.The forms of Stigma: In order to understand the role stigma plays in mental health care utilization of military personnel, we need to fully understand stig ma of mental illness. Research of mental health stigma within the military context often relates and applies findings of the general stigma of mental illness in order to entirely understand how it. Corrigan & Penn (1999) defined stigma as, an overall negative attitude or stereotype about a person. The research of stigma agrees with this definition but also differentiates between the two different forms of stigma, self- stigma and public stigma.The findings of Ben- Zeev et al., (2012) although focuses on stigma within  the military context, agrees with the definition of stigma given from Corrigan and Penn (1999) but also explains that public stigma is the rejection of mental illness as a result of society endorsing stereotypes. Originally, these negative perceptions of mental illness start off minimal but eventually turn into false facts, resulting in the formation of public- stigma.Within the study, public stigma is explained to be the main source of stigma. Within the research of Ben- Zeev et al., (2012), the three stages of the conception of stigma are also explained. The first stage occurs when the individual is exposed to the illness through explicit cues, whether personally experiences the mental illness symptoms such as (intense emotional distress or flashbacks) or if he or she hears about a fellow members mental illness.In the second stage, these stigmatizes cues produce negative beliefs of what the public has generated about people with mental illness such as incapable, dangerous and at fault. Although the second stage indicates knowledge of the various negative perceptions, only in the third stage are these perceptions believed. After this process the stigma is endorsed and as a result generates negative reactions against those suffering such as condescension or discrimination and will impact the individual with mental illness. Awareness of public stigma results in self- stigma, where the public stereotypes becomes internalized and made into facts b y the individual with mental health problems.This internalization of negative beliefs will cause the individual to apply the negative stereotypes to him or herself impacting how they view themselves. Mechanic et al., (1994) found that the consequences of self -stigma will cause the individual to experience a loss of self-esteem and self- efficacy. Although the study of Mechanic et al. (1994) was specific to the general stigma of mental illness, the findings from the research have been described within the mental illness stigma in the military. Wright et al, (2007), which findings agrees with the findings of Mechanic et al. (1994), consisted of surveying 680 soldiers on their perceptions on mental health stigma it the military.After selecting from those who screened positive for mental illness the results found that self-stigma attacks the individual’s self perception generating self loathing thoughts such as, I am a pitiful soldier and I have failed my responsibility of being a soldier. Further results in this study found that the self-stigma, resulting in low self -esteem and self- efficacy  will cause the soldier to have harder time seeking professional help. Studies have shown that in order prevent the consequences of stigma soldiers will reject the referral to seek treatment. The symptoms the solider may encounter such as insomnia, flashbacks, and severe anxiety will go untended to, in order to avoid formal diagnostic. Researchers have defined this reaction as label avoidance. Individual avoids the occurrence of formal diagnostic due to the consequences a label of mental illness might entail (Ben- Zeev et al., 2012).Consequences of seeking treatment, specific to military environment: Many researchers have focused their study on understanding the specific nature of stigma of mental illness in relation to military personnel. Studies have shown that military service members are prone to the negative consequences of stigma due to the expressed concern of how they are viewed by other service members and commanders. Hoge et al., (2004) found that soldiers indicate a strong concern on how they are perceived by their peers and leaders. Further results of the study link high levels of concern to the potential stigma associated with mental illness. Furthermore, the worry of being â€Å"treated differently† among other military personnel was reported in the study of Wright et al., (2007).The study found this worry of discrimination to be a major concern and cause of soldiers refusing mental health treatment. Research has explained that the mental illness stereotypes such as violence and incompetence pose a threat to the high expectations and demands, specific to the nature of the military. Wright et al., (2007) findings agree and explains that the soldiers are expected to be capable and reliable of completing relatively challenging assignment and if viewed as incapable would not be relied on by others. Soldiers, struggling with mental illness, fear the reality of receiving different treatment or being passed for duties and promotions.This fear that seeking help for mental illness may harm the individuals career had been understand to be another linking factor as to why soldiers decide against seeking mental health care treatment. Many studies have found that due to stigma, soldiers will also undergo the fear of exposing weakness and as a result, reject mental health care. Due to the high demands and expectations of soldiers, the military leaves little room for areas of weakness. This contestant state of  exhibiting strength in character creates less acceptance of mental illness due to the stereotype of weakness attached to it.The study of Kim et., (2010), conducted a cross sectional study of 10,386 US army soldiers within three and twelve months following their deployment. These soldiers were surveyed on their perceptions of the potential barriers to care where they report a major barrier was due to the consequence of being â€Å"seen as weak†. They feel that once a soldier was to seek treatment for his or her mental illness, they fear that others who endorse the stereotype will see them as weak.To emphasis the stigma of weakness researchers apply the research conducted on general mental illness stigma in order to further explain the stigma of being seen as weak in military contexts. Corrigan et al.,(2000) in the research conducted on stigma, found that mental illness can be judged by others in terms of controllability. The idea that mental illness is controllable places more responsibility of the symptoms of mental illness on the person with the illness. This concept of controllability can be applied to the fear of being seen as weak within the military. When others view mental illness as controllable they often judge them and generate the stereotype that mental illness is a weakness.Invisible wound: The term invisible wound has become predominantly used among the military expressing mental health aftermath of the war. Research has showed that physical injury tends to be more accepted then the psychological injury of combat. The term invisible wound attempts to reduce the stigma of mental illness by emphasizing that mental trauma is no less severe then physical injury. Britt et al. (2000) analyzed mental health problems in a service unit returning from a peacekeeping mission. Those who screened positive for psychological problems expressed that they felt more discomfort in discussing their mental health status then any medical problems.Although those screening positive would benefit from psychological treatment, they might feel that it is not as important as a physical injury and therefore neglect to seek professional treatment. This perception among military personnel of physical injury being more acceptable then military injury is exposing the stigma and its negative effects of dealing with mental illness. The term â€Å"invisible wound† allo ws for more attention to be given to anemotional trauma by indicating that just because the wound is not physical or tangible it should still be considered an injury.Interventional Discoveries: Through the research conducted on stigma and barriers to mental health care, interventions to improve the utilization of mental health care in military personnel have been tested among the soldiers returning from Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Iraq Freedom. Interventional research has found that In order for a soldier to admit the psychological symptoms and treat their mental illness studies have shown that he or she needs to in the right environment and around the right people in order to do so. A soldier will probably feel more comfortable discussing their psychological status amongst individuals that they feel confident in and trust.In the attempts to reduce stigma, researchers explored the correlation of stigma on leadership quality. Britt et al., (2000) found that amongst the soldiers who reported a higher perception of leadership quality had lower levels of perceived stigma. Wright et al., (2007) study agreed with the findings in Britt et al., (2000). The results in Wright et al., (2007) study additionally found that those who expressed high unit cohesion ratings were associated with low levels of stigma. The results of both the studies emphasis the importance in positive relationships, within the individuals with mental illness and his/ or her leaders and unit members. Additional findings on efforts to reduce stigma apply the method of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.Stecker et al., (2011) tested a Cognitive Behavioral intervention, attempting to show a reduction of stigma in mental illness. Those screened positive for mental disorder, underwent a brief CB session in order to modify the destructive beliefs of mental illness. Destructive thoughts for example would be â€Å" nothing will ever change so why would I bother trying†. The CB session encou raged constructive thoughts such as â€Å" I can learn more about myself by talking to others†. Each session was accommodated to the individual’s personal perceived stigma. The results that after the CB intervention sessions were administers the surveys showed dramatic decrease in levels the perceived stigma of the participant and followed the increase in the participants intention of seeking mental health treatment. This CB intervention was a measure to reduce stigma of mental  health and increase the rate of care.Research has indicated a gap within the utilization of military mental health care. There is increase in rates of mental illness within the military due to Operation Endurance Freedom and Operation Freedom Iraq. Further results have shown that the rates of military usage of the mental health care do not match the increase rate of mental illness. Studies have suggested the lack of mental health care is due to the stigma associated with mental illness. Milit ary service member continue to suffer from mental illness without seeking help due to the prevalence of mental health stigma within the military. Within the research in stigma of mental illness, stigma is shown to have many different forms.Researchers have explained how due to the combination of public and self -stigma soldiers are reluctant to seek treatment for their mental illness. Although having a mental health problem is not easy, the solders reject treatment due to the consequences it might entail due to specific the culture of the military. The soldiers fear the reality of discrimination from other service members as well as and being viewed as weak due to the stigma of mental illness. The perception of mental illness being seen as not as important as physical injury has resulted in the new term of indivisible wounds, which attempts to change these stereotypes. Interventions on how to reduce stigma in the military have been tested in order to improve future views of mental i llness within the military.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Biography of Fashion Designer - Manolo Blahnik Essay

Biography of Fashion Designer - Manolo Blahnik - Essay Example The essay "Biography of Fashion Designer - Manolo Blahnik" discovers the Manolo Blahnik's biography. Together with Evangeline, his younger sister, they both underwent education at home since their family often travelled to Paris and Madrid. It was during those times when his interest in shoe-making started under the influence of his mother improvising and making of Catalan espadrilles from ribbons and laces. Blahnik enrolled for a politics and law major at the University of Geneva but later shifted to literature and architecture. After graduating in 1965, Blahnik moved to Paris to study art at L’École des Beaux-Arts and L’École du Louvre while working at GO, a vintage clothing store. In 1968, he moved to London and enrolled at a language school to master the English language but spent most of his time watching films in the Leicester Square cinemas. To step up his career of becoming a stage set designer, Blahnik went to New York to present his portfolio of drawin gs and set designs to Diana Vreeland, then editor of US Vogue. Vreeland looking at Blahnik’s designs exclaimed: â€Å"How amusing. Amusing. You can do accessories very well. Why don’t you do that? Go make shoes. Your shoes in these drawings are so amusing†, referring to a sketch of a fantastical shoe which crept up the ankle entwined with ivy and cherries. After that inspiring moment, Blahnik went back to London in 1972 and begun designing for Zapata, a boutique on Old church Street in Chelsea (Craven). He started designing men’s shoes.... Ossie Clark, a flashy fashion designer, was quick in noticing Blahnik’s talent and so requested for Blahnik’s designs for his next runway show. Eventually, Blahnik’s shoes got popular for Vogue editors even for a vintage Hollywood star like Lauren Bacall. He was more inclined to learn the craft of shoe-making, and thus, searched for a manufacturer in Walthamstow, north east of London to perfect this skill. Thereafter, British Vogue made Blahnik as the first man ever to appear on its cover in 1974 (Design Museum). A year before being the cover of the famous magazine, Blahnik bought Zapata from its owner with the help of a ?2,000 loan. He ran the business with his sister, Evangeline. The designer continued working with the big fashion icons like Jean Muir, Fiorucci and Ossie Clark. Slowly, he made his market in the US by creating a collection for Bloomingdales in 1978, opening his first store at Madison Avenue, New York in 1979, and designing shoes for Perry Ellis in 1980. Blahnik’s business took off in the US in the early 1980s when George Malkemus, a young copywriter, became his US business partner, leaving him and Evangeline taking charge of the business in Europe. Blahnik’s fame became unstoppable as he was also designing shoes for Calvin Klein’s collections in 1984 (Design Museum). Years after, the designer’s creativity and hardships were recognized as he received a special award from the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) in 1987, Accessory Designer of the Year by the British Fashion Council in 1990 and 1999, La Aguja de Oro (The Golden Needle) in Spain in 2001, and La Medalla de Oro en Merito en Las Bellas Artes by Juan Carlos I in 2002. He was also honored with a retrospective exhibition of his drawings, memorabilia and

Friday, September 27, 2019

An analysis of reflections in the placement Journal Essay

An analysis of reflections in the placement Journal - Essay Example However, as I got older, I began to see school on a different perspective, a more matured outlook. School started to matter as I got immersed in classes, met new friends, inundated with examinations and peppered with research works. During this time, I got involved in my studies and never realized that my perception of schooling has also changed. That is, I saw the school as the better part of my day, a reason for being. As I progressed from level to level, I started looking at school as a way of life - my way of life. Mornings left me feeling hopeful and energized to face the dawning of a new class and afternoons left me anxious for the following session. My days became identified with the activities in school and my hours were marked by my performance in class. At that time, I was nothing more than a student amongst a million in the world and I was ultimately defined by the role I play in school and I was fine with it. However, even with the apparent positive attitude that I have t aken on, misgivings and hesitations make up a large portion of my outlook regarding the school in its entirety. Feelings of nervousness, apprehension and doubts still clam my palms and make my stomach heave with anticipation. But then again, these are all normal human responses which have been deeply ingrained in all of us. After all, the school is an institution established to measure our capabilities and brand us as either worthy or wanting. As a principled and boastful lot, nobody is too keen of that. First Entry This essay will explain my field work placement at a school located in East London area that is called Vicarage Primary School. Â  In this piece of work I will focus on my first three days of my placement and analyse these three journals entire days. Â  The Vicarage Primary School is a learning institution located in the London Borough of Newham. Most of the students attending Vicarage Primary belong to the vastly diverse culture bisecting the East London community and as such, other languages such as Bengali, Urdu and Somali are being spoken aside from English (OFSTED Report, 2010). Likewise, Vicarage Primary School enjoys a relatively higher percentage of students eligible for free school meals as it averages to almost 40% OFSTED Report, 2010). At present, the school is the recipient of the Basic Skills Mark award and boasts of the Investors in People and Healthy School awards (OFSTED Report, 2010). Â   In the first day of my placement at Vicarage Primary school it was very good for me as I know most of the member of staffs that work there because I done voluntary work there since 2002 in this school and this gives me more confidence, than as if a student started placement for first time, but in the first day of my placement I was thinking what class and years the children I am working are because every year I work there I worked in different classes and year. The first thing that worried me in the first day of my placement was that I wondered would the children welcome me to work and support them, but that day was very good as most of the children remembered me since last year when I was out side with children of my class in their play time and they told me we know you miss. Also in the first day of my placement the teacher and support teacher in years 3 were very good to me as they welcome me and communicate with me about what we are going to do in that day and in which table I am working with.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Sonoco Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sonoco - Article Example The major contributor was the United States (US) and then Asia and Western Europe. The packaging industry represented consumer packaging as the 70% contributor of revenue and the remaining 30% was through industrial packaging. Due to globalization, the industry was facing challenges along with noticeable growth opportunities. Companies functioning in nations such as the US were shifting their businesses to other countries for cheap labor and were trying to gain profit. The packaging industry exhibited an increase in the market share from 40% to 60%. The packaging industry was changing its business strategy and increasing the level of profit. The changes in the industry were because of the changes in the preferences of the customers in the food and beverages industry. Packaging was now gaining its importance to promote a brand; it had now several versions of the products. Companies were strategizing their approaches by providing better packaging which would help them to advertise thei r product. Several strategies were being formulated to provide different packaging to attract the retailers. The idea of â€Å"One-Stop-Shop† was becoming attractive for the manufactures as they now needed not to depend on several suppliers for their business. With this concept, they were now able to meet their packaging needs with a few suppliers. With the changes in the packaging industr

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Legal and Regulatory Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Legal and Regulatory Environment - Essay Example Mongo offered Quinn to work for their subsidiary company in Saudi Arabia. Quinn signed a form of contract that provided for a ‘Recital of International Employment Conditions,’ which guaranteed him that, if his performance would be found satisfactory, he would proceed for the job until the Mongo advised with an accompaniment of a four week written notice that his services were no longer needed (Human Resources in the Legal and Regulatory Framework, 466-505). The legal issues in this case include whether the contract between Quinn and SAMCO was legitimate ab initio, whether there existed a separate employment contract between Quinn and SAMCO and whether Quinn was a SAMCO employee, whether SAMCO erred in failing to integrate the likely interference by the government over the contract it made with Quinn, though the Royal Commission had managed to establish contractual mandate to alter at its own discretion personnel employed by SAMCO, bearing the fact that the government of Saudi Arabia is characterized with forms of employment discrimination such as age, and whether Mongo bears any responsibilities over SAMCO’s actions in another jurisdiction. The US legislation on Discrimination in Employment Act protects the populace above 40 from age prejudice (Metzger). Under this legislation, an employee has to prove that ‘he or she was within the cosseted age cohort, was qualified for the position at issue, suffered an adverse employment action, and was replaced by a sufficiently younger person.’ As a judge, if the plaintiff can prove these four elements, then a legal case suffices to stand trial. Did Hammer and Mongo act ethically? Would you have acted differently? Be sure to support your response with reference to ethical theories. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) ‘protects persons forty years or older from discrimination based on age. The legislation proscribes age favoritism in providing employees benefits and establishes minimum standards for waiver of one’s rights under the ADEA.’ It prohibits age discrimination in employment with respect to individuals aged forty years or older. In 1991, Congress amended Title VII to protect U.S. citizens employed in a foreign country by a U.S. employer. The Enforcement Guidance on Application of Title VII and the Americans with Disabilities Act provides that for a nationality of an entity to be determined by the entity’s place of incorporation, the principal place of business, contacts within the United States, the nationality of dominant shareholders and/or those holding voting control, and the nationality and location of management have to be taken into account (Lindemann, 2003, p. 9). Section 109 of the Title VII provides that â€Å"it shall not be unlawful,† under either Title VII or the ADA, for an employer to act in violation of either statute if compliance would cause the employer to violate the law of the foreign c ountry in which the employee’s workplace is located (Jerry). For example, an employer may be permitted to deny employment to women in a country that prohibits women from working, even though this practice violates Title VII. Hammer told Quinn that Quinn would have a problem as his grey hair showed that he was ‘over fifty,’ and people over fifty were ‘regarded with suspicion’

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Fix the assigment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fix the assigment - Essay Example They can also provide feedback to the marketers via the same platform and this will help the marketers to be in a position to design products that would satisfy the needs and interests of the customers. The company intends to use a multi-channel online communication strategy in order to reach as many customers as possible in different parts of the country. Marc J. Metrick- President (CEO) said that the company intends to create customer superior value and experience through the use of online shopping in doing business. The company is dedicated towards improving customer service in a bid to satisfy the needs and interests of the customers. Saks Fifth Avenue will particularly focus on editorial content published on different social media such as Face Book, Instagram as well as Twitter. This type of social media will provide a two way channel such that the customers can communicate directly with the marketers and sales reps at the company. They can also give feedback about their needs and interests using the same platform. Saks Fifth Avenue1 also utilises other channels where the customers are given the opportunity to give their ideas and views that can help the company to design products that suit their needs. Saks Fifth Avenue’s pricing strategy will be mainly influenced by the market forces obtaining at a particular period. The company does not intend to exploit the customers through charging high prices for the products offered. The company seeks to create a mutually beneficial relationship with all the stakeholders. The main goal of the company is to ensure that its needs as well as those of the customers are satisfied. The company will organize campaigns that are meant to enlighten people about the need to be responsible in their actions in order to ensure that they do not cause harm to the environment. Additionally, the company will also engage in programs that are designed to help it plough back to the

Monday, September 23, 2019

How Can the Study of Management Help Students in Their Future Essay

How Can the Study of Management Help Students in Their Future Professional Career - Essay Example agement is undergoing numerous changes, therefore the older principles are being changed with the newer ones and thus nothing tends to remain permanent in the field of the management. The management principles need to be applied according to the requirement of the organisation since they tend to be relative concepts. It is worthy of mentioning that each of the organisation tends to be different in comparison to other because of the timing, place as well as the socio-cultural factors. However, the individuals working in a same organisation may also differ. Therefore, it is vital to apply a particular management principle according to the prevailing condition and context. There has been disagreement regarding whether the management is science or art. It can be stated that management is both science as well as art (Covey, n.d.). Historical and Socio-Cultural Perspectives It is worthy of discussing the ways through which the needs of the management development are being met with the assi stance of the historical views of management. It has been a well known fact that the management institutes that exist today were not in existence until the 1920s and the Second World War. Therefore, it can be understood that the management institutes tend to be at the early stages of development. The establishment of the management schools in the developing countries is a recent phenomenon. In adherence to the well known fact that management is a profession, it was realised that the skills, the knowledge and the capabilities can be gained by a person systematically. However, before realising this fact, on-the-job management was learned. The process of learning was referred to as school of hard knocks. There was a belief that the managers are born and not made. This was evident from the fact... As the essay stresses the management principles need to be applied according to the requirement of the organisation since they tend to be relative concepts. It is worthy of mentioning that each of the organisation tends to be different in comparison to other because of the timing, place as well as the socio-cultural factors. The individuals working in a same organisation may also differ. It is vital to apply a particular management principle according to the prevailing condition and context. From the report it is clear the education for the managers of the future took numerous forms, thus making the system of education complex. After a short period, the emergence of entrepreneurs because of their innovative ideas and efforts were sought. They learnt to manage because of necessity. The approach was suitable and satisfactory in those times. Since the product, market as well as the geography started to grow and diversify, the old ways of recruiting the managers became outdated and thus new ways were stimulated. The best way to recruit the top management was to put them at specialised task a step down, so that they can get an overall knowledge regarding the management. A person may be skilled at one job, however may be weak at others. After a certain period of time the diversification of the businesses gave rise to the new channels of the on-the-job development for managers since the companies were split into divisions.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Stem Cell Research Essay Example for Free

Stem Cell Research Essay Introduction A look at the progressive societies today indicates that science is encumbered by moral and political considerations.   The world of science is yet to be democratized and viable ideas are being sent to the gallows to satiate conservative thinkers at the helm of leadership.   A glimpse at most of the useful vaccines that have evolved indicates a struggle between morality and modern intelligence.   Science is struggling to permeate an almost non impervious wall of ethical consideration before a certain well meaning project can be allowed into the mainstream. Since the research into stem cells was pioneered in the 1960s, it has elicited hue and cry from the public with some claiming that scientists are trying to play God.   Many however have remained marveled at the exploits of modern science and have identified the wide range of benefits that arise from this research. Stem cell research is indeed revolutionizing the treatment of various human impairments and diseases such as leukemia and Parkinson’s disease amongst a wide range of other benefits.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The fascination created by stem cells research is immense and has expanded the scope of scientific study.   It continues to elicit interest regarding how organisms are able to grow from just one single cell and also the ability of such single cells to multiply and replace the damaged ones. Immense research is being carried out focusing on the application of cell therapy in the treatment of a number of diseases. Definition Stem cell refers to a â€Å"generic cell that can make exact copies of itself indefinitely.† (Chad). Gerald (203) definition of stem cells is centered on the inherent characteristics that they have which make them outstanding in comparison to other cells.   He observes that â€Å"they are undifferentiated cells that renew themselves at the single cell level for many cell doublings.† (203). There are two types of stem cells; the embryonic stem cell and the adult stem cells. Types of Stem Cells Embryonic stem cells are derived from a fetus (blastocyst) before the cell initiates the process of differentiation. They posses a higher ability of differentiation compared to the adult stem cells.   Much of the controversy that has arisen centers on the embryonic stem cells due to their origin. Adult stem cells on the other hand are obtained from the bone marrow.   Their versatility in research is restricted by the fact that they posses a number of limitations in terms of differentiation and divisibility.   The research into adult cells commenced earlier than for the embryonic cells and although both possess a number of similarities, adult cells are less flexible and much research and furor has been focused on the embryonic stem cells. Properties of Stem Cells All in all, stem cells serve an important purpose of replenishing damaged cells in the body. They repair the body system due to their higher potential of dividing into many cells limitlessly and also their ability to adapt to the prevailing chemical environment.   As Pam et al (8) observes that, â€Å"when a stem cell divides, each daughter can remain a stem cell or adopt a more specialized role such as muscle, blood or brain cell, depending on the absence or presence of chemical signals†.   Indeed, stem cells have the ability to grow and metamorphose into a particular cell that possesses characteristics that are similar to the cells of the deformed tissues. It is this self renewal capability and their higher potency that continue to arouse much curiosity amongst scientists who see them as the answer to various health and medical problems facing humanity.   Self renewal characteristic of a stem cell simply refers to its ability to divide and form multiply cells without losing its initial original characteristics.   Potency of a stem cell revolves around the ability to differentiate into desired specialized cells.   Depending on the capacity of cells to divide, they are referred to either pluripotency or unipotency. Pluripotent cells have â€Å"the ability to differentiate into a vast majority.† (Bellomo 35) Such cellular quality has become a major source of scientific inquiry as piluripitent cells have demonstrated unmatched ability of transform themselves into any set of tissues. They can develop either into endodermis, mesoderm or ectoderms as has been outlined by research. Endodermis refers to the inner tissues that range from the lining of the lungs and also the other internal organs such as the guts.   Mesoderm is the middle layer of body tissues that range from blood and the marrow alongside others.   On the other hand ectoderm refers to the outer most layers. Medical Benefits of Stem Cells The multipotent characteristic of a stem cell endows it with the ability to produce other cells although limited in number. An example of the multipitent cell is the hematopoietic cells.   Such cells too can give rise to other blood cells but their nature of differentiation limits their ability to â€Å"form liver cells, kidney cells, nerve cells, or any other kind of cell except for a select few kinds of blood cells.† (Bellomo 37).   Research into the multipotent cells was intensified in the recent past upon the discovery that they possess the potential to be used in stem cell therapies hence easing the suffering of millions in the world. Further research into this will uncover even further limitless application. Such research will enable scientists to fathom the complex process that the undifferentiated cells have to undergo before becoming differentiated.   This mostly is because majority of ailments experienced in the body are as a result of the abnormal processes of cell differentiation.   Scientists are yet to understand â€Å"the signals that turn specific genes on and off to influence the differentiation of the stem cell† (The National Institute of Health Resource of Stem Cell Research).   A further grasp of such a process will no doubt provide knowledge of what causes diseases as well as the various strategies to treat such diseases. Hopes are high hence in the medical profession that advances in modern technologies will be able to find a lasting cure to diseases such as cancer and diabetes.   This is because there still exists a huge gap in the current knowledge of stem cell research as some of the processes are still shrouded by mystery.    The existing treatments, after a breakthrough of research in the past 30 years, have centered on offering treatment to cancer patient that have complications such as leukemia.   Chemotherapy has been used in the destruction of the malignant tissues.   This however has proved to be detrimental to other useful cells such as the haematopoietic cells.   Advances made in the stem cell research have will be able to address this problem. This is because stem cells will be reintroduced into the system in a bid to replace the destroyed cells during chemotherapy.   Further research will be centered on the treatment of cancerous tumors.   A look at brain cancer history and trends over time indicates it is one of the most difficult to treat due to the speedy spread of the malignant tissues.   Research that has been conducted in dogs indicate that drugs can be developed that will specifically target the cancerous stem cells. Stem cell research has also been found to possess a potential of curing spinal cord injuries. In a study conducted in Korea, scientists have been able to come up with â€Å"stem cells tailored to match an individual† (BBC News channel).   Further information on the research indicates that this will result to diseases such as diabetes being treated without a patient’s body rejecting tissues. This is a major discovery that has solved one of the major headaches facing the treatment of diabetes.   In addition to diabetes, heart damages and baldness too will be contained in future. This indicates that in the end a wide range of medical maladies facing humanity will be eradicated through stem cell research. Stem Cell Research Controversy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the face of all the above mentioned benefits, stem cells research has been largely hampered by the opposition that has raged on centering on the use of embryonic stem cells. As afore mentioned, embryonic stem cells have been found to possess unique characteristics that give them a high ability to multiply and differentiate. Research has indicated that they can self divide and be able to maintain their inherent characteristics. This has made them more viable in the stem based therapy than the adult stem cells. They are seen as providing the answers to various diseases facing mankind. This has attracted criticism from pro life activists. The Catholic Church for example has been very vocal in its opposition of the research citing a number of moral grounds.   The major argument has been that embryonic research devalues human worth.   Critics insist that â€Å"the embryonic human should have the same moral status as the fetus or the child or the adult† (The ebrary ebrary, 210). They criticize the notion that embryos are not yet human insisting that focus hence should be on adult stem cells which may posses the same differentiation and division abilities rather than on embryonic research.   This opposition insists that â€Å"the proper test of humanity should be if the embryo has the potential to organize itself into a living human whole† and not on whether it is yet living (Inc ebrary ebrary 210) Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   These arguments made against the stem cell research may hold some water when addressed on the context of morals.   Indeed it is important to accord embryos the respect they deserve in the recognition that it is a stage in human growth. However, such arguments fail to recognize the immense benefits that such a research accords to humanity. It hence defeats logic for critics of stem cell research to equate human embryos with human beings.   Though a human embryo is important in itself it is not always that it develops into a human being and if there is a way that it can be beneficial to humanity such benefit should be explored.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is hence important that the public in the understanding of the mentioned benefits urge the political regimes to allocate more funding to the stem cell research to uncover their full potential.       Works Cited. Chad H.   Stem cell research. Medical Encyclopedia. National library of Medicine. 2007.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Retrieved on October 30, 2008 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Gerald P. Current Topics in Developmental Biology. Academic Press, 2006; 203 Bellomo M. The Stem Cell Divide: The Facts, the Fiction, and the Fear Driving the Greatest Scientific, Political, and Religious Debate of Our Time. AMACOM Div   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   American Mgmt Assn, 2006; 33-39 BBC.UK. Stem Cells Tailored to Patients. 2005. Retrieved on October 30, 2008 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Inc ebrary ebrary. The Debatabase Book: A Must Have Guide for Successful Debate.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   IDEA, 2004; 209-211 Judith A., Erin W.   Stem Cell Research.   Congressional Research Service. 2004.   .   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Retrieved on October 30, 2008 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Pam S., Gail P., Mary T. The Promise and Politics of Stem Cell Research. Greenwood    Publishing Group, 2007; 8

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Personal development planning Essay Example for Free

Personal development planning Essay I am 24 years old and married to my husband Paul we live in Maybole in a two bedroom cottage. I left school at 16 with standard grade level English, maths, history, French and music. My first job was in a nursing home it was then I realised how much I enjoyed working in care and caring for people. I worked in the nursing home for 2 years then left to be an activity’s co-ordinator in a day care centre in Prestwick where I would plan daily activity’s and outings for clients who came for respite day-care the centre sadly closed down after 3 years. I found a part time job in a local pub but I didn’t enjoy it as much as caring I worked in the pub for 2 years until I found a job working for a homecare company I enjoyed but found the hours unsociable it was then I decided to apply for college. I applied for N.C social care and was placed on the reserved list due to the course being full then a week after the course started I got a phone call to start. I attended college from September to june working threw my course studying and passed all my exams. I also attended a work placement at Hansel village respite cabin which I enjoys working with the clients as id never worked with adults with learning difficulties. I was offered a permanent job with Hansel after I left but sadly couldn’t take the job offer up as I had applied to do HNC and Hansel could only offer me 30 hours per week. Whilst doing my NC I enjoyed the subject mental health and decided then that I would like to become a mental health nurse. My hopes are th at I graduate with my HNC and can apply to university and get a degree. Step 2: Broad objective where am I going next? Whilst completing this unit in Personal Development Planning, I have opted to focus on the following area of development my ability to write reports and essays having done an N.C in social care last year I had to do a few reports and essays and realised that I don’t structure them properly this is something I need to practice and develop my skills and abilities in doing this. I would like to progress and graduate from college with my HNC in social care and apply to university of the west of Scotland and do a degree in mental health nursing and work in a psychiatric hospital. Further development of core/key skills Step 3: Self appraisal Personal skills, qualities and contexts Core skill Evaluation Evidence to support evaluation Communication Good When doing an NC in social care one of the tasks I had to do was a presentation in front of the class I became really nervous and didn’t make a lot of eye contact. This is something I would like to work at and concentrate on in the future when delivering presentations. Numeracy Poor Numeracy was apart of my NC course last year and I failed two attempts at an exam working out percentages and doing box plots but I find with extra studying and breaking it down I can complete some numeracy tasks. IT Average I received a standard grade for admin at school this gave me some knowledge on IT skills. On my college course last year I done IT at a higher level where I was shown how to use different search engines and how to type up reports essays and save my work. Problem solving Poor When faced with situations I tend to panic rather than look for solutions to  resolve problems. I feel this is something I can develop in. Working with others Good Threw my recent jobs as a carer, bar maid, activity’s coordinator I have had to work as part of a team to deliver my work and do the best in my job. I also work with others at college to do research on my subjects this is something I enjoy doing. Personal qualities I am a hard working reliable individual. With an NC in social care this has given me a wide knowledge of sociology, psychology and helped me realise my own personal values and principles. I have developed my caring practical skills threw working in in many different care aspects and work placements. I am an honest and trustworthy person who enjoys working as part of team and also on my own initiative. Knowledge and understanding I have a wide knowledge of care and an understanding of my own personal values and principles that I try and introduce when caring for individuals with different needs. I also have a basic knowledge of sociology and try to have an understanding in which way society works. And my basic knowledge of psychology helps me understand peoples behaviours. Technical skills I feel my technical skills can be worked on and developed threw out this course. Threw work and work placements I have a basic knowledge on moving and handling. I also have basic computing skills. Contexts, other factors to consider Step 4: Setting personal objectives Personal objectives — prior to interview with tutor Short-term (this year) I hope to pass my course and gain my HNC in social care. I also hope to gain knowledge and develop new skills threw out the year in all aspects of social care and on college work placement. Medium-term (next year) I hope to be able to apply to university and have enough qualifications and skills and to be able to stay focused on my work and my short and long term goals to be achievable. Long-term I hope to have gained a degree in mental health nursing and be in a job I enjoy doing that helps me stay motivated.